Sunday, July 17, 2011

10 Beauty Products to either STOP using or be very wary of During Pregnancy.........

  Decades ago, when chemists were churning out new discoveries and industry was making “better living through chemistry,” the belief was widely held that chemicals do not cross the placenta. We now know that mother’s chemical exposure can affect her baby’s chances for a normal, healthy life, especially in early pregnancy when a fetus’ growth is being carefully regulated by a host of natural chemical messengers in the womb.
Should you worry? Well, first of all, women have been giving birth joyfully for decades after the advent of industrialization. It is a thrilling, suspense-ridden process with no certain answers — with a high probability that you will have created the greatest treasure of your life. Don’t let fears overwhelm your enjoyment of nine months of miracles. But do use common sense, and a little dose of facts, to help protect your little bundle of joy as much as you can. Look at the tips in bold for some easy suggestions.

1. Luxury Bath Products

Ditch high-end luxury beauty products when pregnant image  

This is good news for women who do not want to waste money buying expensive organic products for themselves during pregnancy: Tests by German green consumer magazine Öko-Test (Eco-Test) found that cheap shower creams were composed of safer ingredients. The high-end products used more exotic ingredients, frequently including chemicals that can cause allergies, even roaming into riskier territory such as cancer-causing ingredients. So leave the stuff with the fancy names on the shelf and stick with a classic low-end soap for the shower.

Baby Yourself: Buy products especially formulated for infants and children. Manufacturers make more effort to avoid questionable ingredients in these products.

2. Nail Care

Ditch painted fingernails when you are pregnant photo 

Working in a nail salon made Time magazine’s list of the worst jobs in America. Anecdotes about health problems experienced by workers include stillbirths, birth defects, and developmental issues — although no studies have been published on birth defects among nail workers. A North Carolina study did find an increased risk of spontaneous abortion among nail salon employees. Consumer campaigns prompted by these concerns have forced suppliers to reformulate and reduce the “toxic trio:” dibutyl phthalate, formaldehyde and toluene. But nail products continue to include many ingredients that are inadequately tested or which have raised concerns about reproductive toxicity. If you are just having your nails done once every couple of weeks, is that a “safe dose?” The fact is, no one knows. Better safe than sorry.

Nicer Nails: Even if your friends know you for having the most flamboyant painted nails, wear naked nails with pride when you are pregnant. Treat yourself to a manicure and/or pedicure without using any chemicals. Be sure to select a well-ventilated salon if you have it done professionally.

3. Spray-on Tanning

Ditch spray tanning when pregnant photo  

The Food and Drug Administration has approved Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) for use in chemical tanning. The DHA works by reacting with the dead layer of surface skin in much the same way bread browns when toasted. It has been shown not to absorb into the living skin below the dead layer, and is therefore considered safer than suntanning — which is known to cause cancer. However, these approvals do not take into account the risks of inhaling the particles of spray that get into the air during “tanning”.
Studies suggest that DHA may be mutagenic and can cause primary DNA damage. There is no test data publicly available on development toxicity. Bottom line: spray-on tans may be healthier when applied with proper protections on healthy adults, but it’s not worth the (mostly unknown) risk to your developing fetus.

Tan Teetotaling: elevated body temperature can also be dangerous to your unborn baby, so tanning beds are not a good option either. Spin your skin as “porcelain” not “pale.”

4. Skin Whitening

ditch skin lightening if you are pregnant photo  

Skin lightening products contain chemicals that interfere with enzymatic processes that lead to production of melanin, which darkens the skin. This drug-like action has earned lightening products the nickname “cosmeceuticals.” Typically hydroquinone or glutathione are used as the active ingredient; mostly mercury has been eliminated from whitening products. Alternatives claiming to be safer are appearing as safety concerns have led to calls for bans on ingredients like hydroquinone.
Unfortunately, pregnancy often induces darkening of the skin, and can lead to a pigment “mask” on the face, making the urge to action stronger. In all cases, doctors recommend waiting until after your pregnancy before considering any skin lightening treatments.

Safer Solutions? Take care. Alternatives often simply have less testing evidence of problems, not more proof of safety.

5. Chemical Hair Removal

Ditch depilatories when you are pregnant photo  

The active ingredient in hair removal products is usually some form of thioglycolic acid. There are no studies showing that this chemical is unsafe on the skin during pregnancy. But there are also no studies showing it is safe. The EU limits the ingredient to a maximum of 5% (as thioglycolic acid) in depilatories (hair removal products). In the US, independent panel the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) found it to be safe up to levels of 15.2% (as thioglycolic acid). The thioglycolic acid reacts chemically with disulfide bonds in hair. Because these ingredients are aggressive enough to react chemically, and no studies have been done to detect potential reprotoxic effects, we recommend the precautionary principle: Leave these on the shelf until after the pregnancy.

Shave Sharing: Get your partner involved. Create a special bond as he helps you shave those places you can no longer even see, much less reach.

6. Heavy Fragrances

Ditch fragrances when you are pregnant photo  

Many fragrances contain phthalates as carriers. There are a wide range of phthalates, some of which are less harmful than others. But these ingredients are rarely disclosed on labels, hiding behind the general descriptor fragrance. If you are not certain the product is free of phthalates with potential for reproductive toxicity, it is better to avoid it during pregnancy. Phthalates can imitate natural hormones in the body responsible for the proper growth and development of a fetus. Because growth is very sensitive to small concentrations of these hormones, it is considered dangerous to have even low levels of exposure during pregnancy.

Fragrance-free: While you are minimizing perfumed beauty products, do away with air fresheners and any other product intended to release scent.

7. Sticky or Stinky

Ditch beauty treatments left on during pregnancy  

A strong smell usually indicates either (1) a product with volatile organics that evaporate easily into the air, or (2) a product that forms a misty or dusty cloud. Either is an indication that you may be inhaling chemicals…a direct and efficient route for toxins to enter your body. Absorption through the skin is another common route of exposure, and the longer a chemical is in contact, the more can absorb. So if you are not sure that the product is safe (and “natural” is not the same as safe!), then minimize the contact by avoiding treatments that last longer or smell stronger.
Friendly Facial: If hormonal swings have left your face feeling oily, try an egg white facial.

8. Prescription Acne Meds

Pregnant ditch chemicals photo  
Image: Raebruen, Flickr

Your doctor probably already told you this when you got your prescription, but if you use the acne treatments
  • Accutane (isotretinoin)
  • Retin-A (tretinoin)
  • Tetracycline
then you should not get pregnant. Unlike the low-level exposure to chemicals in other beauty products, these drugs are taken at doses intended to cause changes in your body….changes that ultimately reduce acne outbreaks. For this reason, birth defects related to use of Accutane are not merely anecdotal. Fully 25-35% of babies born to mothers using Accutane in the first trimester have some pattern of birth defects. Less information is available on Retin-A, but it can be expected to be similar to Accutane due to its molecular structure. Tetracycline, an antibiotic, causes gray teeth.

Medication Matters: Talk to your health-care provider or pharmacist about your pregnancy plans before you take any medications when you are trying to get pregnant.

9. Tattoos

when you are pregnant ditch tattoos photo  

Traditional tattoos involve needles, and therefore direct contact with your bloodstream. The risk of disease transmission is not high, but not worth taking at this delicate time in life. As usual, little information is known about the effects of the tattoo dyes on your baby’s growth. The deliberate penetration of the skin’s boundaries adds an additional level of exposure potential. The German Institute for Risk Evaluation warns that dyestuff used in the tattoo industry is not regulated in the same manner as cosmetics, and that so-called azo dyes may split into carcinogenic amines in the bloodstream in case tattoo removal by laser treatment is undertaken. Finally, some tattoo inks can cause allergies. It is rare, but when it occurs, a very severe reaction can arise since the dyes have entered the bloodstream.

Little Loophole: If you cannot resist some body art to celebrate the new arrival, get a natural henna tattoo (as illustrated above). This is not permanent, but celebrates the changes in your body. Leave this one for your third trimester to be really sure the risks are acceptable. But CAUTION: Be sure you are using natural henna, which is never black. Black henna is a synthetic chemical, para-phenylendiamine (PPD), and according to American Pregnancy, it is not safe for anyone.

10. Hair Care

Ditch hair dye if you a pregnant photo  

First, some good news. New studies seem to have overturned earlier studies that suggested a link to bladder cancer or miscarriage in hair salon employees. Nonetheless, studies continue to find links between occupational exposure in hair salons and birth defects, for example associating hair spray with penis deformity. A couple of hours getting your hair done is certainly less than the long-term exposure your beautician faces, but it is one more vector for exposure that can be avoided.

Preferred Pampering: Skip the dyes and highlights. Buy a natural bristle hairbrush and enjoy a cup of tea while treating your hair to a hundred strokes. If you absolutely must freshen up your color, wait until at least the second trimester.

More on Frightening Chemicals in Beauty Products
Why Is There Still an Endocrine Disruptor In My Toothpaste?
Lipstick, Shampoo, Nail Polish – How Toxic is OK?

Convert your home to non-toxic products to avoid your baby being born with an average of 200 toxins.  Safer, more effective and will even help you save.

And please have a happy & safe Pregnancy & if you have any questions or comments at all, please feel free to ask us @Pregnancy On Facebook!

Summertime fun pick of the day

Summertime fun FYI:

Enjoy the treasures of summer. This summer Coca-Cola is helping to create those treasured memories for you & your family!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Thanks to Social Networking & other sites....SITES like this one!! ARE LOGGING our info (NAMES, Income, All pics, EVERYTHING) I even found my 13yr old child on it! & just imagine what hackers can do w/your FULL address, map to your house, income, mother and father's names, birthdates I swear it LOGS everything! & EVERYONE I told to check or CHECKED found themselves!! Its easy to remove yourself BUT only 3 names can be removed from EACH Email use another if you find more! & below youll find my original post from my other blog, I posted it here to help all on my Non-Profit as well... Good luck all! & let me know if you need any help!

So this morning I am up super early and I get a Facebook status like this....

There's a site called that's a new online USA phone book w/personal information: everything from pics you've posted on FB, your home address, credit score, home value, income, age, etc. REMOVE yourself by searching your name, copy the URL of your page, go to the bottom right corner of the page and click on the Privacy button to remove yourself. Copy & repost our link & let all your friends & loved ones know to remove their info as well!   

So at first I think okay,  just another stupid copy and paste this status and was going to ignore it. Then I thought back on the days when Google map VERY first started and I remember a massive email going out telling you to search yourself and literally everyone and anyone in the phone book or anywhere came up w/a map right to your house, satellite pictures and all. Remember that folks?!? *LOL* I do, so I hurry and copy the link! I do NOT post it right into my browser! I actually put it into the Google search bar because I wanted to see if the search pulled up a safe web site as well as did I want to check out the web description and address info/IP and all that good stuff that comes up in a search and w/a little right click , enter onto properties I can see if it's safe enough for me to visit & sure enough it WAS. 

So I get to this site and still a little skeptical I type my name in, my married name because see normally this one NEVER comes up! Guess what, BAM VERY FIRST name on the list, lol! So then I go and I search my maiden name and BAM 3 different addresses for the 3 places I owned and lived at the longest in my past 16 years of living in the state of Pennsylvania. Crazy, huh! I checked the state I grew up in and thankfully nothing came up! But as soon as I saw this status and the fact that it is ALL true, with having Twitter these days things like your address and FULL information details really, including any and all pictures that you've ever uploaded to facebook & I'm sure myspace and twitter too a this point! I didn't look to deeply into it after checking to see if it was a valid & safe site to visit! I just flipped and took myself then my loved ones off! Then of course I then run right to my blog to hit NEW POST & let everyone know this craziness of their privacy being invaded. So please hurry and tell/warn everyone and anyone you know of this! You can even copy and paste the quotations above of the FB Status and post that one directly on your page.

So please after seeing this I just had to do a very quick blog about it! I wanted to get this out to all of my friends and hell even people I don't like or even the people I don't know should know this too because, this really is not okay! And with the way social networking is, Wow! Ive seen some people act really nutty, for instance a show that is on a certain Network I won't name BUT, a friend of mine is on the show well this "Camera Dude" literally made a FAKE name/Facebook profile and would visit the  Shows fan page daily and harass this poor actress, O' wait, I'm sorry Reality star, lololol- anywho yes so he would obviously have inside info on her and also would make very detailed threats to her! He also was always throwing things in her face that only someone on set or behind the scenes would know. You would see in her responses that she too was clearly disturbed by how much he knew because when you know someone and see them daily you can tell, she had that GUT feeling he really did know her & left it alone more (not knowing who he was then -he could have been real nuts, like Manson nuts!) Well, I turned his info into my buddy who works for (and pretty much runs the damn place) an internet provider company and he pulled up the IP addresse that I gave him and found the NAME connected to the "Fake VERY Aggressive & Stalking" & it/HE HAD to be stopped. I told him I KNEW who he was the day I found out, I called him RIGHT out on it! I tried to do it in PRIVATE BUT, he was stupid and tried our fight to the public (like he did everything) & all on the wall of that fan page (as if I'm on the show?! LOL) then at that point I had to just blast him! He is sick,needs help & is lucky no charges have been pressed, as of yet!

He seriously reminded me of a certain stalker I had which is why I was even more prone to help her get to the bottom of it. Also imagine how scary it was finding out he WORKS on the set of her show and FILMS her daily, THINK he got to keep his job? 

HA, Ya get what ya give people. You really do.People think Karma is just a little cute quote people wanna use, or a saying vindictive bitches want to use towards you when they know you see right thru them, HA! (Had to throw that in there, #Yaknow..Lmfao) ....but anywho really let's get BACK to the point of this blog.

I think this information is extremley important for people to know. I do NOT believe web sites should do this. If I never joined your damn site what gives you the right to take my info from another, especially when I have 3rd party connects through Facebook closed and always have. Does not make any sense at all. So please pass this around or just tell your loved ones, friends , co-workers anyone you feel you must. I would especially share it with people who use social networking especially a facebook and twitter, heck even myspace!  Ive seen allot of fuckery go on, on these web sites. Ive seen allot of people do things to other people to the point that it basically ruins your/their lives. Because if I blog all over about you, your personal name w/lies no matter what I say employers will google you they WILL and ALWAYS find it and it WILL hinder your opportunities not just w/work but MANY w/many things. Say you have children, so now your kid's teachers and fellow students parents may see it, neighbors, co-workers and lawd forbid you live in a small town. EVERYONE there will know it is you, lol! So please PROTECT YOURSELF! Make sure your name is not on here. The Google map site also, and he! All those sites should NOT be listing your profiles/pictures/ALL your addresses/All old and prior phone numbers too!!!! You and many others MIGHT NOT realize this but w/all that info I just listed there someone could basically just steal your identity at that point! Especially if THAT is what they set out to do to MANY people on the internet which happens daily, which is why you should ALWAYS make sure a web page is Safe and Valid before loading it! So please let everyone you know, family, friends, co-workers,and even your neighbors! Because this and the OTHER sites that do this are NOT OKAY and the faster we spread this and get attention to it the faster Google will fix it and lock it down a bit more as they did their google map site, because this is and appears to be connected with no other then GOOGLE MAP, *SMH*! 

So below I'll list a couple other sites to help you stay safe online and please don't take this information for granted. Once you've become a victim of cyber stalking/harassment you'll never use the internet the same after and these people are SICK and need to be stopped so make sure you always save ALL information on them constantly log and constantly LOG those IP addresses that's what is gonna save ya, and TRACK your stalker. Without that they will never find em', with it!!! They can find em' in a heartbeat. So good luck & get your INFO OFF this (& those other) sites!! 

Basic Internet Safety for Kids!


McGruff.Org explains how to stay safe on the Internet!

30 Ways to STAY safe online!

Do you have a Cyber Bully/Stalker?!? Click here if so!! CyberBully.Org 


5 Steps to Internet Safety -

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

You should really join Facebook Pregnancy today, WHY?

Well, because we are letting everyone of our Fans KNOW that Pregnancy if anyone is IS HAVING A totally RANDOM Drawing at the END OF THE WEEKEND and we will be sending out A FREE PRIZE! TO A RANDOM LUCKY FAN!! ALL you have to do is COMMENT BELOW IN ONE of the pictures in their ALBUM and your ENTERED! Or HIT LIKE! :) GOOD LUCK!!! xoxoxoxox

OUR Page Pregnancy was chosen for A FREE PRIZE (We will reveal the business after the prize is sent out!! SO it's a SURPRISE give away!!! Were OFFERING this PRIZE to one of our lucky FANS! You must feel comfortable sending (in email) your address so the PRIZE can be mailed to you but considering how many fans we have,we know this will NOT be easy but we HAVE to choose! So BELOW please reply & tell us Y you think you should win! Then we will pick the best REPLY & the person we think needs it the most- OR we could even JUST put EVERY NAME into a HAT then CHOOSE the 1st one!! That way it will be more fair and it could be anyone who wins- so NO favorites♥ will be chosen it will be TOTALLY RANDOM!! SO COMMENT BELOW!!!! AND GOOD LUCK TO EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU!!!! ♥

Also be on the look out we will be offering more giveaways at another time. xoxoxox ♥

OUR Page Pregnancy was chosen for A FREE PRIZE (We will reveal the business after the prize is sent out!! SO it's a SURPRISE give away!!! Were OFFERING this PRIZE to one of our lucky FANS! You must feel comfortable sending (in email) your address so the PRIZE can be mailed to you but considering how many fans we have,we know this will NOT be easy but we HAVE to choose! So BELOW please reply & tell us Y you think you should win! Then we will pick the best REPLY & the person we think needs it the most- OR we could even JUST put EVERY NAME into a HAT then CHOOSE the 1st one!! That way it will be more fair and it could be anyone who wins- so NO favorites♥ will be chosen it will be TOTALLY RANDOM!! SO COMMENT BELOW!!!! AND GOOD LUCK TO EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU!!!! ♥ Also be on the look out we will be offering more giveaways at another time. xoxoxox ♥

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hello everyone !!!

We'd just like to remind everyone in order to JOIN our Page @Pregnancy On Facebook you will and DO have to have a Facebook account!

So please join Facebook it's FREE and it ALWAYS will be!! of course click the image ...

Also if you'd like to Friend us @Facebook on our other Pregnancy page via Pregnancy this image and it will take you directly to that page! 


Friday, July 8, 2011

Can you all please just take a moment out of your time it doesn't take but two seconds & please...

Vote for Jaxon, he really needs votes!!!!!! & it would be greatly appreciated! Also feel free to upload your own babies pix let us know and we will vote for your children as well...thanks again and back to Jaxon and how to vote.........☻

Joseph Anthony <- Jaxon's Daddy
Reply • 
Vote Count: 11
ENTRY ID: 164896

Spread the Word Want to help Jaxon get more votes?
Click below to Share with your friends or Post to your Facebook wall.

 It's VERY simple to vote, especially if you 
have a Facebook page!
*Then directly after you vote, a message will come up saying;
I just voted for this adorable face in the 2011 Gerber Generation Photo Search and you should too! You can come back every day and vote again! 

So thank you all for your votes for my friends adorable son!! He seriously is one of the most stand up father's I have seen in a LONG time! He raised this little boy since birth and is now supporting the child's mother by helping her build a loving and healthy relationship w/Jaxon as well. They truly just don't make men like Joe anymore so if anyone deserves my vote, it be Joey & his son Jaxon! So really thank you all so more for those who vote and feel free to share or upload your own baby pictures (after reading the rules of course....) then if you link me I will vote for your child as well! Anywho good luck all and again THANKS a bunch! {{Big Hugs}}!

& GOOD LUCK JAXON!!!! And even IF you don't succeed in votes always know your a WINNER to everyone around you! xoxoxox♥  ~Sammi

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Gerber is choosing new babies!!

Vote for Jaxon!
ENTRY ID: 164896
Spread the Word Want to help Jaxon get more votes?
Click below to Share with your friends or Post to your Facebook wall.

 It's VERY simple to vote, especially if you 
have a Facebook page!
*Then directly after you vote, a message will come up saying;
I just voted for this adorable face in the 2011 Gerber Generation Photo Search and you should too! You can come back every day and vote again! 

So thank you all for your votes for my friends adorable son!! He seriously is one of the most stand up father's I have seen in a LONG time! He raised this little boy since birth and is now supporting the child's mother by helping her build a loving and healthy relationship w/Jaxon as well. They truly just don't make men like Joe anymore so if anyone deserves my vote, it be Joey & his son Jaxon! So really thank you all so more for those who vote and feel free to share or upload your own baby pictures (after reading the rules of course....) then if you link me I will vote for your child as well! Anywho good luck all and again THANKS a bunch! {{Big Hugs}}!

& GOOD LUCK JAXON!!!! And even IF you don't succeed in votes always know your a WINNER to everyone around you! xoxoxox♥  ~Sammi

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sleeping Positions during pregnancy,

Often women wonder if it is alright to sleep on their tummy during pregnancy. Sad to inform you pregnant ladies out there but sleeping on the belly and on the back are not the best positions for you during your pregnancy months. Finding a comfortable sleeping position is one of the reasons why women become sleep deprived in the later part of their pregnancies. It is a sacrifice indeed to have to give up your favorite sleeping positions. One good tip is to get accustomed to sleeping on the sides long before your belly balloons up.

Now that you are prepared to give up on your favorite sleeping position, be prepared to lose some sleep. Getting used to the new position(s) will take some getting used to. As mentioned earlier, better to make this change early on instead of waiting till the time when sleeping in your favorite position becomes just impossible. Imagine distressing yourself over the new position when you are heavily pregnant and tired!

Why Sleeping on the back and tummy is a NO..

• As your belly expands, sleeping on your expanded belly not only becomes impossible; it is also uncomfortable (don't worry your baby won't get squashed inside should you sleep on your belly)

• The back position causes the entire weight of your pregnant uterus to rest on your back, intestines and the two major blood vessels. A fair share of complications may result in the mother because of this.

• Backaches and hemorrhoids worsen, digestion becomes less efficient, breathing becomes difficult and low blood pressure may occur

• If you rest on your back the large vein or vena cava which transports blood from the lower body to the heart will be affected.

• When resting on your back even for a short while, prop up your upper body with pillows to reduce the pressure on the vena cava. This is essential as any interference with blood supply to the placenta means nutrients and oxygen supply to the fetus will be affected

The Best position..

• Side-lying positions with lots of pillows for additional support and comfort are ideal.

• It is best to lie on your left side instead of the right whenever possible so that baby receives its nutrients uninterrupted.

• Cross one leg over the other with a pillow in between is best for both mother and baby. This position not only optimizes blood flow to the placenta but also ensures smooth functioning of the kidneys.

• Efficient kidney function means better elimination of fluids and this in turn reduces the chances of edema (swelling of the ankles, feet, hands)

• Occasionally you may revert to sleeping on your back or tummy because you are just not used to your new position. No harm done here. Both positions bring no harm to the fetus; the fetus is well cushioned to suffer from any pressure on the maternal body

You can also use Pregnancy Pillows they sell MANY different kinds... here is just a couple below (& above in the pix) .... ☻

A Cause that a Favorite page of ours needs to get the word out on!! Please check this out & Thank you in advance♥!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

What You Should Know About Top 10 Best Fertility Foods,

  It is often said that you are what you eat. The food that we consume can make us fit and also assist us in overcoming lot of medical problems including infertility. So if you are planning to get pregnant and if you are unable to conceive, it is most probably your diet which is to be blamed. Rather than drowning your tears and sorrows into that ice cream tub or by digging into that rich chocolate dessert it would be better if you take care of your diet which can increase your fertility. The simplest reason why the right food selection can help you aid in fertility is that it can make you lose excess weight and regulate your hormonal levels which will help you in becoming pregnant quickly.

When searching for the best fertility food and what should be your ideal meal plan, a book by Lisa Olson - fertility expert, could come to your rescue. Aptly named as “Pregnancy Miracle” this book lists down fertility food which you should have on daily basis to increase the chances of becoming pregnant. Going one step ahead Lisa also lists down the food that should be eliminated from your diet by calling them as anti-fertility food. To make your task even simpler Lisa provides a complementary 14 day diet plan using fertility food so that you are able to plan your meals better.

Below are Top 10 best fertility food that can help you become pregnant and make you hold the baby that you had been wanting badly:

  • Staying hydrated by consuming a lot of water will not only help in proper functioning of all your reproductive organs but will also provide natural fluid for the sperms to reach the cervix. So drink filtered or spring water and increase your fertility levels.
  • Green leafy vegetables especially spinach is loaded with antioxidants, iron and folic acid all needed to maintain the good health of your reproductive organs. Folic acid present in spinach not only assists you in getting pregnant by generating viable eggs but also prevents defects in newborns.
  • Include a healthy dose of orange and yellow vegetable in your daily diet as they are good sources of antioxidants and beta carotene. Beta carotene helps in correcting hormonal imbalance and also eliminates the chance of miscarriage.
  • Suffering from endometriosis or uterus fibroids then gorge on broccoli, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables. These vegetables contain phyto-nutrients which helps in regulating estrogen's metabolism.
  • If your problem is irregular menstrual cycles them sweet potatoes, carrots and peas are must haves. These vegetables contain beta carotene which helps in regulating menstrual flow thereby increasing your fertility.
  • Enjoy a daily serving of fruits rich in Vitamin C such as blueberries, papaya, oranges, kiwi and strawberries which offer lot of nutritional benefits to women that are planning to conceive.
  • Dairy products and lean animal proteins such as fish are rich sources of amino acid that helps in generating fertility hormones FSH and LH. So include them in your diet and see your dream of getting pregnant realized soon.
  • Reach out for whole grain bread and tortillas instead of bakery products made of fine flour as they are rich sources of iron and vitamin B needed for enhancing fertility hormones.
  • You need to eat right fats if you wish to get pregnant. So a handful of nuts like almonds or walnuts which are great sources of omega 3 fatty acid should be included in your diet.
  • Lastly consume vegetable proteins in moderation's especially tofu and other soy products which will help you in attaining ideal pre-pregnancy weight and will therefore help you in getting pregnant.

The food that your gorge on have a big impact on how quickly you can conceive. So have a meal rich in fruits, vegetables, dairy products, vegetable proteins which are good sources of Vitamin C, Beta carotene, antioxidants, folic acid and iron that can help you in getting pregnant quickly.

Friday, June 17, 2011

What happens during an Ultrasound?!?

An ultrasound takes an image of the fetus inside a pregnant woman's uterus. Here's more information on what happens during an ultrasound.  

(Click the link to watch the video!)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Prenatal Music Stimulation....

Photographic record of the first world experience of prenatal stimulation with live music, offered to more than 100 pregnant woman.

The event was coordinated by Rmt. Gabriel Federico, pioneering specialist in music therapy and pregnancy, who not only performed activities for prenatal stimulation, but also offered a magisterial conference explaining the fundamental importance of this experience. The place where the concert took place was the Auditorium of the University of the Littoral in the province of Santa Fe, Argentina in September, 2007.
Visit them @:

Pregnant? The Most soothing and relaxing music for a healthy pregnancy

This is Lovely..

Or you can listen to some relaxing Piano music...

Mozart for my Baby

Mozart for After your baby is born! *Smiles* (:

Prenatal Lullabies for Babies and Moms-to-be

How to interact with your unborn baby (fetus),

If you're like me and crave social contact with other parents, or you just need some fresh ideas on how to interact with your baby, you have more than enough reason to sign up for a Mommy & Me or Gymboree class. But if taking one doesn't fit into your schedule or budget, here's how you can make the most out of your private "mommy and me" time at home:  Shake, shake together. Put on some upbeat music and give your child maracas to shake. Place your hands on hers to show her how. The maracas enhance your tot's listening experience and teach her to bounce to the beat.  Speed it up. Teach your baby the difference between fast and slow with this little game: First, stroll around your house slowly holding her in your arms. Then, increase the movement by taking big, exaggerated marching steps. Finally, break into a little jog (be sure to watch where you're going so you don't trip over the Exersaucer in the kitchen). She'll love anticipating the different tempos and will delight in the movement.  Get animated. Liven up story-time by using silly voices for the characters and adding sound effects (like tongue clicks for a galloping horse). Make your eyes big, your smile wide: Babies are fascinated by exaggerated facial expressions, so feel free to be a ham when reading Green Eggs and Ham.

One of my favorite Fetus Interaction Videos!! ♥

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Help a Homeless child,
Featured Project

Featured Community project
Give comfort to a homeless child
In the US, one in 50 children will face homelessness. Project Night Night helps kids have sweeter dreams with their care packages. Each package contains a new blanket, a children's book and a cozy stuffed animal, all tucked away in a new tote bag.
While these reliable, comforting objects are no big deal to most of us, they help reduce trauma and advance the emotional well-being of homeless kids.
Today, we're asking you to help give a homeless child comfort.
Thanks for all you do!

Get involved:
Give a minute
Give a

Give money

Learn more


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